A Place of Peace

I breathe in and then breathe out. 

The smell of coffee fills the air. I can hear the soft sound of the birds in the distance. The sun kisses my face as it rises to wake the day. And so, I am awakened--fighting the urge to begin my day with a bolt. 

I breathe in and breathe out--

savoring this moment of peace.

As I climb out of my bed and put on my fuzzy slippers, I make my way to the coffee pot. After holding and sipping on a warm morning cup of goodness, I quietly climb the stairs to the top level of the beach house. It is a rare moment that I am awake before my family and friends. I took it as a sign that I should embrace this moment of peace. And so, when I arrive at the outdoor rooftop patio, I embrace peace. I let my body envelop into the soft and beautifully woven Galapagos hammock. The smell of the wet salty marsh fills my heart with a place of calm. I close my eyes. 

Breathe in. Breathe out.


I then open them. At that very instance, a beautiful white egret flew across the sky, adding a peaceful color to the sky. In that moment, I am determined to embrace this moment of peace and cherish it throughout the day. 

I breathe in and breathe out.

I place my feet on the cool wooden floor and make it to my room. Here, I look out on the marsh and am once more amazed at the beauty that surrounds me. I change into my daily clothes and decide to take a bike ride. As I head down the stairs to the garage, the birds continue to chirp and remind me of the peace that the day offers. I hop on my bicycle and pedal with ease--desiring to move at a slower pace and take in each moment. As I turn the corner of the bike path, I make my way along the wooden path. Here, I become one with the marsh as it surrounds me on either side. I can hear the fiddlers making their way into their homes deep in the mud. Crickets and sea creatures remind me of their presence. And in that moment, I enter into a place of peace. 

I breathe in and breathe out. 

The warm sun hits my skin as I pedal towards the end of the path and back to my retreat.

Once I return, I meet my dad in the driveway. He has his favorite book in hand and a huge grin across his face. He asks me to join him on the beach. And so, my place of peace continues--a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. 

Breathe in. Breathe out.

The place that I referenced in this piece is on Fripp Island, SC. It is a fantastic spot for a solo, family or friends getaway/retreat.


5 Daily Disciplines: Reflect. Revitalize. Restore. Relax. Retreat.


5-Day Retreat Series